Use the Answers screen to create a set of custom answers for your ILPs, which ensures consistency of your data. In addition to these custom values, free text, date, time or number format can also be selected as an answer format on the Questions screen. Answers can be used for multiple questions.
Answers can be managed by clicking the Answers option on the ILP Admin screen.
Use the Answers screen to:

To add or edit a answer:
Click the Create answer button.
Alternatively, click the ⋮ drop-down menu adjacent to the relevant record and then click the Edit option.
You can use the search field to locate a specific answer, if required.
The Edit answer screen is displayed.
Enter or edit the Name of the answer.
The name must be unique.
Select from the Default Interaction drop-down as to the type of field that the learner will select from by default. They can be edited when defining questions, if required.
Enter the values that are to be displayed to the learner. You can add or remove rows as required using the Add new and Delete buttons.
Enter the Stored Value for each record, which is a value to be stored in the database that you can use for reporting purposes.
These are pre-populated sequentially (that is: 1, 2, 3, 4 and so on) but can be customised.
Click Save.
The answer record is then added with an icon denoting the type of field that the answer is.
The icons are defined as follows:
- Slider
- Drop-down
- Radio buttons
- Check boxes

Answers can be made inactive if they are no longer in use. Inactive answers are displayed in grey, provided the Include Inactive toggle is selected.
An answer that is made inactive will not be available to be selected for future use, but if it is already in use, it will be unaffected and can continue to be used.
To activate or deactivate a answer:
Use the search to locate the relevant answer, if required.
Ensure the Include Inactive toggle is selected if you want to activate an inactive answer.
Click the ⋮ drop-down menu of the relevant record and then click the Mark Active or Mark Inactive option, as required.

You can only delete an answer if it is not associated with any ILPs.
To delete a answer:
Use the search to locate the relevant answer, if required.
Ensure the Include Inactive toggle is selected if you want to delete an inactive answer.
Click the ⋮ drop-down menu of the relevant record and then click the Delete option.
This is not displayed if the answer is associated with ILPs.
A confirmation message is displayed.